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Rare earth industrial platform put into trial operation in Baotou

Updated: 2024-06-13

According to the Baotou bureau of industry and information technology, Inner Mongolia autonomous region's first industrial internet platform for the rare earth industry recently went online in Baotou for trial operation.

Since the beginning of this year, the city has comprehensively accelerated the promotion of digital transformation within the rare earth industrial chain.

The industrial internet platform for the rare earth industry, spearheaded by China North Rare Earth (Group) High-tech Co in Baotou, is a key project and a result of the city's pilot work on the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

The platform employs advanced technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence to provide informational, digital, and intelligent support to various segments of the rare earth industrial chain.

It facilitates close cooperation and resource sharing among upstream and downstream enterprises in the rare earth industrial chain, further promoting coordinated interaction and cluster development within the industry, thereby fully supporting the construction of a rare earth new material base and a rare earth application base in Baotou.