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Lu Xun Literature Prize winners teach in Baotou

Updated: 2024-06-24

The first teaching practice base of the Lu Xun Literature Academy in China hosted a training course in Baotou from June 20 to 22.

Xu Ke, the executive vice president of the Lu Xun Literature Academy, along with renowned writers and Lu Xun Literature Prize winners Liu Qingbang, Ji Hongjian, Chen Cang, and Chen Yajun, conducted classes for the attendees in Baotou.


Xu teaches the first lesson of the training course. [Photo/Baotou news network]

Che Fu, chairman of the Baotou Writers' Association, stated, "This training session invited some renowned writers who have won the Lu Xun Literature Prize to teach. Through in-person exchanges, local Baotou writers have gained a clearer direction for their creative endeavors."


Students participating in the course listen to lectures. [Photo/Baotou news network]

The Lu Xun Literature Academy, founded in 1950, is the only national-level writer training institution in China.

Recently, the Lu Xun Literature Academy established a series of teaching practice bases nationwide to encourage people to participate in literary education and training, thus jointly promoting the prosperity and development of literature.

The Lu Xun Literature Academy and Baotou signed a cooperation agreement in Beijing on May 8, officially establishing China's first Lu Xun Literature Academy teaching practice base in Baotou.