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  • Baotou economy on fast track in Q1


  • Baotou industrial work report for 13th Five-Year Plan


    At a recent conference, Kang Shicun described the city’s achievements under the 12th Five-Year period (2016-20) and the development strategy for the 13thFive-year plan as follows.

  • Baotou football accomplishments in 2015


    The city of Baotou,Inner Mongoliahad a fruitful year in football this past year, with many guests from China and abroad coming to watch matches and examine the grounds and the increasing number of adolescents wanting to play football and other people showing greater passion for sports and paying more attention to fitness and health.

  • Baotou, a charming city


    Baotou is located in the western part of Inner Mongolia autonomous region and adjacent to the Republic of Mongolia to its north and the Yellow River to its south, Baotou is the largest city in the autonomous region and an important transport hub.

  • 'Ten Full Coverage' in Inner Mongolia


  • Saihantala Ecological Park


    Saihantala Ecological Park, located in the Qingshan district of Baotou city, covers an area of 770 hectares and is the only wetland grassland in an urban area in all of Asia.

  • Wudangzhao Temple


    Situated on Jihuluntu Mountain 54 kilometers north of Baotou city, the Wudangzhao Temple is a state-level key relics protection unit and a 4A-level scenic spot. It is named "Wudangzhao" because it was built in the Wudang Gully of the Daqing Mountain.

  • Baotou greenway tempts residents with eco-friendly lifestyle


    A 50-kilometer urban greenway was opened to the public in the city of Baotou in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region on Aug 29.

  • Baotou scalps top prize at China International Micro-Film Ceremony


    The 2014-2015 China International Micro-Film Ceremony kicked off in Chifeng city in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region on Oct 30. Entering the ceremony for the first time, Baotou received two prizes, including one top prize.