
Suzhou opera debuts at theater festival | Updated: November 19, 2013

The Suzhou opera Liu Rushi made its debut at the Suzhou Culture and Arts Center in Suzhou of Jiangsu province during the 13th China Theater Festival on November 17.

Suzhou opera originated in Suzhou more than 300 years ago. Its music is soft and understated. The singing is mildly sweet, and the performance is elegant. It is Suzhou folk opera with specific Jiangnan features.

Suzhou opera was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage in May 2006.

Liu Rushi tells a story from the late Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) of the famous courtesan Liu Rushi, who married Qian Qianyi and encouraged her husband to commit suicide to keep his moral integrity after the fall of the Ming.

It aims to lead people to consider love and morality, people and society, reputation and responsibility, knowledge and morality, and life and dignity.


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