
Suzhou opens annual garden pass applications | Updated: November 25, 2013

Suzhou will begin accepting annual pass applications for gardens in December, according to the Suzhou municipal administrative bureau of gardens.

The number of passes has increased from 50,000 in June 20, 2004, when they were issued for the first time, to more than 200,000 in 2012. The passes help people learn more about the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

“During the past 10 years, prices for the annual pass remained the same, 120 yuan ($19.70) per person per year,” said Lu Caiping, an official from the bureau. Low income families and individuals can get a 50 percent discount.

With the annual pass, people will be able to visit gardens 100 times. The gardens include the Huqiu Hill scenic area, the Humble Administrator’s Garden, the Lingering Garden, Lion Forest Garden and many others.

Yang Li, a citizen applying for the annual pass for a third time, said, “I go to East Garden once a week and Huqiu Hill 1-2 times a week.” One of her favorite activities is to take her granddaughter to the gardens to play. “I like to take her everywhere, and sometimes I go there for tea time with friends.”

“That’s one of the goals of the pass,” said an official from the bureau. According to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the management department is responsible for spreading the value of the UNESCO World Heritage Site to the public. Local residents are expected to play an important role in the process.

The annual garden pass not only benefits residents, but also helps Suzhou people better understand, appreciate and protect the gardens.


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