
Restoration finishes on Former Residence of Tang Wenzhi | Updated: November 29, 2013

The Former Residence of Tang Wenzhi, a famous modern educator born in Shaxi town, has been restored to preserve its original style.

The one-month project recently finished. The rafters and tiles on the roof have been replaced, and some walls and beams have been reinforced, ensuring the safety of the house. The bullet holes in the home were kept to retain its history. Next year is the 60th anniversary of the death of Tang Wenzhi. The repairs of his former residence can help Taicang preserve a location with great historical and cultural value.

The Former Residence of Tang Wenzhi was built in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) under the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It is a typical building of the Qing Dynasty. Tang was born in 1865. In 1937, his residence was seriously damaged by Japanese aircraft bombing.


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