
Suzhou works to optimize its environment | Updated: January 18, 2014

The Suzhou environment management group assessed the city’s environmental improvements on Jan 14.

The assessment group heard a report on the situation and checked relevant documents. The group also made on-site inspections of construction projects, including the construction of an archive, Shu Park, a wetland park and a dredging project of the city river.

In 2013, Suzhou renovated one shanty town, 11 old residences, 11 alleys, 12 rivers and two agricultural trade markets. It also added 503 parking spaces and removed outdoor billboards totaling 15,000 square meters. Moreover, the city optimized its service hotline "12345" and complaint hotline "12319" to improve administration and settlement mechanisms for public complaints. Suzhou has steadily improved its environment thanks to these effective measures.


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