
New Loudong school of painting popular around the world | Updated: June 19, 2014

The new Loudong school of painting is an inheritor of the "Loudong school of painting" that dates back over 300 years. The new school combines the traditional school with other schools and forms a new modern style of Chinese painting.

Paintings of the new school have been exhibited in many domestic cities and foreign countries. The works adhere closely to nature, life and beauty, winning wide acclaim from experts and the public.

The "Loudong school of painting," represented by Wang Shimin, Wang Yuanqi, Wang Jian and Wang Hui, was born in Taicang of Jiangsu province. The school played a leading role in the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), and its influence continues even today.

Painters of the new school have been focusing on communicating with painters from other schools, learning their experiences and improving Loudong's artistic skills. Since 2006, they have held a number of painting exhibitions in many areas, including Suzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Taiwan, Nanjing and Germany. On Sept 6, another exhibition will kick off in Nanchang of Jiangxi province, aiming to further promote the new Loudong paintings.