
National Chinese painting exhibition opens in Taicang | Updated: June 20, 2014

The Loudong (Taicang) national Chinese painting exhibition kicked off at Taicang museum on June 18. It will run through July 18.

Taicang, with profound history and culture, is the birthplace of the Loudong school of painting, which played a leading role in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

The exhibition is the largest art exhibition that Taicang has ever held since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949. It aims to further enhance communication among painters nationwide, boost the city's cultural development and promote Taicang's popularity.

The exhibition displays 194 entries selected nationwide, featuring mountains and water, flowers and birds, and figures. The works highlight the flourishing painting industry in China. They vary in theme, preserve traditional painting skills and adhere closely to modern life.