
Taicang promotes green building development

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: June 30, 2014

The city of Taicang, in Jiangsu province, has been working hard to promote "green" construction and is working towards becoming a provincial green building demonstration city.

There are over 600,000 square meters of buildings in the city designated as green buildings, and 82 additional projects—totaling to 4.02 million sq m in area—are in the works.

Green buildings are environmentally conscious and efficient by saving energy, water, and other materials, thus providing their inhabitants with not only an efficient living space, but a healthy one too. In short, they're in harmony with nature.

Taicang strives for more widespread use of energy-saving technologies and calls for all new residential buildings to adhere to green-building standards.

The city also plans to increase green coverage with the hopes of becoming environmentally conscious citywide.