
Taicang goes abroad for foreign talent | Updated: July 7, 2014

A delegation from Taicang recently visited the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie), as its first stop of job fairs in Germany.

KIT, founded in 1825, is a famous science and engineering university in Germany, attracting many Chinese students for further study.

The job fair served as a platform for communication between overseas skilled professionals and domestic enterprises, aimed at luring more Chinese back to Taicang after studying overseas.

Taicang was the first city in China that came to the KIT job fair. The city enjoys many favorable conditions including an advantageous location, preferential policies, excellent support facilities and many German-invested companies, attracting attention from many students.

Liu Wenhua, chairman of the Chinese Student Union of KIT, said that more Chinese students are expected to return home after studying abroad thanks to the great domestic job opportunities and favorable policies.

The Chinese Student Union will cooperate with Taicang New Area Management Committee, to build a platform for students to pursue development in Taicang.

Taicang plans to hold job fairs in German universities every year to lure more skilled people.