
Taicang adopts paperless inspection and quarantine | Updated: September 5, 2014

Taicang Port, located on the south bank of the Yangtze River estuary, is an artery port for river and sea transportation. On July 21, Taicang entry-exit inspection and quarantine bureau started a paperless declaration review that can complete the review and inspection process in several minutes.

The paperless clearance model avoids paperwork by examining digital inspection declaration forms and accompanying documents/certificates on a web platform, instead of requiring enterprises to submit originals to inspection and quarantine counters.

The model will greatly save costs and energy, optimize the inspection and quarantine process and enhance the efficiency of the inspection office.

Taking Taicang Jingang International Trade Service Co as an example, the company has submitted 323 inspection applications since July, and the paperless review model helped it save 10,000 yuan ($1,622). Since July 21, the paperless clearance has benefited 8,814 containers of goods worth $264 million.

The traditional inspection included seven procedures that used to take 6 to 8 hours. The new inspection model, however, is more efficient by examining digital copies of documents and sending the passing order to the gate within five minutes. It will also send timely feedback to enterprises. For those goods that still require inspection, the whole clearance will take one to two hours.

Efficiency is an essential factor in developing a modern port. The inspection and quarantine bureau will continue to improve the paperless clearance services to give greater convenience to companies. It will develop an automatic system that can allow the goods to pass through the gate, by adopting the technology of the Internet of Things (IOT) and installing HD cameras to identify plate numbers and container numbers.