
Suzhou Agritainment Skills Competition gets good results | Updated: September 30, 2014
The city of Suzhou had a Sina Suzhou Agritainment Skills Competition, on Sept 25, to improve service quality and show its rural tourism development through special dishes with local characteristics, in response to the State Council's recent call for more vigorous rural tourism development.

Agritainment is considered an essential part of rural tourism as a window on rural culture and Suzhou has been concentrating on rural tourism to satisfy growing tourism demands and to solve the employment problem and increase farmer's incomes through better services.

Its known for its scenery, favorable climate and resources and attracts lots of tourists with its Suzhou cuisine so it wants to single out the best dishes and let more tourists enjoy them, hence the cooking skills competition as a part of the event.

There was voting in various districts to choose eight dishes from each making it to the finals to compete for the Top 10 Agritainment Dish award. And, 30 gourmets were solicited online to select the judges for the competition.

There was also a table setting competition to investigate Suzhou's rural culture and improve service quality, where each district had three participants to set a table for 8-10 people in a certain period of time. Suzhou's best works will be promoted in other regions.

Sponsors of the Sina Suzhou Agritainment Skill Competition were Suzhou's Tourism Bureau, its Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and its Cuisine Association. The judges of the competition included professors, cuisine association members, chefs and managers from star-rated hotels, reporters, and gourmets to make it authoritative.

The Top 10 creative table settings got a "Suzhou Top 10 Agritainment Service" certificate, and the Top 10 dishes got a "Suzhou Top 10 Rural Dish" medal. And, the top three district tourism bureaus got a "Best Organization" Award.

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