
Suzhou chorus wins Golden Bell Award | Updated: October 15, 2014

The chorus of Suzhou University of Science and Technology performs “Pouring Rain”. [Photo/Yangtze Evening News]

The chorus from the Music School at Suzhou University of Science and Technology won a gold award at the ninth Chinese Golden Bell Awards for Music competition with the song “Pouring Rain” on Sept. 21, 2014.

The chorus made history for Jiangsu province by winning its first gold award in the competition. Suzhou, with three chorus groups competing, finally achieved one gold award and two bronze.

The ninth Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music lasted three days from September 19-21, and was attended by over 2,500 singers from 35 chorus groups in 29 provinces and cities.

Now, the chorus will struggle to win even better achievements in the world, according to Chen Zhengzhe, the Dean of Suzhou University of Science and Technology. They have been invited to perform in the concert hall of the National Theater and Concert Hall (NTCH) in Taipei

The Chinese Golden Bell Award, approved by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China’s Central Committee to be held every two years, is the highest musical honor in China.