
Suzhou hosts the 14th Forum on Internet Media of China | Updated: November 3, 2014

The 14th Forum on Internet Media of China opened on Oct 31st in Suzhou city, Jiangsu province, to discuss ways to speed up the development of online media and new media.

Organized by the All-China Journalists Association and sponsored by mainstream news portals including and, the two-day forum attracted more than 350 government officials, journalists and online media specialists to outline a blueprint for the future development of the country's Internet media.

The forum also reviewed the growth of the Internet industry in China over the past 20 years and its national policies on Internet media and proposed a legislation for cyberspace management.

Ren Xianliang, director of the State Internet Information Office, Wang Gengnian, president of China Radio International (CRI), and Zhou Naixiang, mayor of Suzhou city, attended the event.[Photo/Xinhua]