
Take a sightseeing bus for a getaway tour at Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort | Updated: November 7, 2014

Take a sightseeing bus for a getaway tour at Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort

The sightseeing bus service at Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort in Suzhou Industrial Park is now available and gives you a chance to customize your very own trip, as you like by either taking the regular 80-minute tour or renting a bus.

The sightseeing bus at Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort. [Photo/Suzhou Daily]

The 20km regular tour around the peninsula starts from the Tourist Center at Xinghua Street twice a day at ten in the morning and two in the afternoon, while passing Yi Ou Lai Suzhou Village and three public parks. There are three options of bus fees: 50 yuan for one person, 90 for a couple, and 130 for a family of three.

Bewitching scenery in Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort. [Photo/Suzhou Daily]

You can also rent a bus at 900 yuan for the first three hours, and an extra 100 yuan for every half hour after that. The benefits include a free guide service, free admission tickets for Chongyuan Temple, and stops at Chongyuan Temple, Lianchi Lake Park, Bike Lane, Xianying Lake Park, and at the Giant Bicycle Station.