
Taicang school welcomes jump rope champions | Updated: November 14, 2014

A rope skipping performance is presented in Xintang Primary School of Taicang, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Taicang Daily]

A rope skipping performance was recently presented in Xintang Primary School of Taicang, Jiangsu province, with world rope skipping champions from the US Hot Dog Skippers and the Shanghai Yuedong Jump Rope Team performing and teaching rope jumping skills in the school.

More than 10 world champions performed tricks such as the multiple under, handstand and the James Hirst (a backflip into a split and then back to a skip).

The student rope jumping performance also won praise from the champions. Shaun Hamilton, a world record holder for rope skipping from the Hot Dog Skippers, who has visited 40 regions in 22 countries to promote the sport, was fascinated by the students' excellent skipping skills and high enthusiasm.

Besides offering professional training on jumping techniques, the champions also participated in some interactive games. Vivien, one of the champions, competed with the best student skipper in Xintang.

The activity was organized by the Shanghai Jump Rope Association to promote fitness among students.