
Liang Ying's paintings on display in Suzhou | Updated: November 20, 2014

Visitors getting a close look at Liang’s art work. [Photo/Suzhou Daily]

The Suzhou Library, in the city of Suzhou, Jiangsu province, is sponsoring a "Garden—Liang Ying's Work" exhibition, on the 3rd floor of its building in south plaza, Nov 15-20, to display the work of Liang Ying, a student of the German expressionist painting artists Sigmar Polke and Werner Büttner.

Liang is the daughter of Huang Zhou, a well-known Chinese painting artist, collector and social activist and is known for integrating expressionism with her Chinese painting. She started studying painting since her childhood and studied at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, in Dresden, German, after 1983, graduating with a master’s in fine arts. Liang is now the president of the Huang Zhou Fine Arts Foundation, executive member of Beijng’s Yanhuang Museum of Art, and a member of the Chinese Artists Association.

Her work has been shown in Germany, England, Finland, and Hong Kong several times. She is holding the exhibition in Suzhou to display over 30 works with the theme of gardens in Suzhou.