
Good results for Suzhou in China sports tourism | Updated: November 20, 2014

Bewitching scenery in Yangcheng Lake Peninsular Resort. [Photo/ Suzhou Daily]

Suzhou Bay scenic area. [Photo/ Suzhou Tourism Bureau]

Beautiful scenery of East Taihu Lake. [Photo/ East Taihu Lake Ecology Tourism Resort]

There will be a 2014 Sports Culture & Sports Tourism Expo in the city of Wuhu, Anhui province, Nov 22-24, where the city of Suzhou, Jiangsu province, has three tourism projects on China’s outstanding sports tourism list, according to the organizers.

This expo, is sponsored annually by the State General Administration of Sport, and will include a vote on outstanding sports tourism projects, competitions, scenic spots and travel routes, and some investment promotion activities. The participating Suzhou programs are the Suzhou Bay scenic area, Yangcheng Lake Peninsula recreational journey, and ride around Wujiang district.

The Suzhou Bay scenic area is located in the north of the East Taihu Lake Leisure Resort and is considered an outstanding sports tourism scenic spot. The Yangcheng Lake Peninsula recreational journey is considered an outstanding sports tourism travel route and the ride around Wujiang is not only an outstanding sports tourism travel route, but also one of China’s Top 10 sports tourism projects.

The China outstanding sports tourism project award is expected to inspire Suzhou to promote its tourism and sports industry both.