
Sino-German cooperation achievement exhibition hall starts test operation | Updated: December 18, 2014

An exhibition hall that displays Sino-German cooperation achievements has recently started its test operations in Taicang, Jiangsu province, after five months of construction.

The hall also serves as a platform for domestic enterprises to learn the experience of Germany-based enterprises and to enhance exchanges and cooperation between China and Germany.

The exhibition hall occupies an overall area of 650 square meters, showcasing the cooperation achievements of Taicang and German companies in the last two decades, such as cooperation development, prestigious laurels, bilateral cultural communication, cooperated products and future development.

The product exhibition area presents auto parts, precision machinery and new materials, which all represent the professional, distinctive and innovative features of Germany-made products.

In addition, the hall highlights high-tech means such as large LED screens, a multimedia system supporting touch control and an electronic messaging system, to enhance the interactivity among visitors, exhibitors and exhibits.