
Top 10 attractive Chinese cities for expats | Updated: March 23, 2015

The results of a survey for China's 10 most attractive cities for expats were announced recently, with Shanghai topping the list for the third time out of five times.

The ranking is the work of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs which contacts nearly 20,000 foreign professionals working in China.

The other nine cities (from No.2 down) are Beijing, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Suzhou, Xiamen and Kunming.

And, why are they appealing?


This financial hub scores highest in four important indices -- policies for foreign professionals, work environment, living environment, and cosmopolitan nature and inclusiveness.


The capital city is favored by many expats for its high-quality medical services, accessibility to information, protection of expat rights, and its inclusiveness and diversity.


This southern city is attractive to many expats' simply because of its comfortable work and living environment, and for business and investment opportunities. Tianjin This northern harbor city, close to Beijing, comes in 4th for its protection of expat rights and services for foreign professionals.


The eastern coastal city in Shandong province ranks high for its advanced urban planning and its cozy environment for living.


This scenic city in East China's Zhejiang province ranks high in three indicators -- environment for living, public behavior and also public education.


The capital of Guangdong province appeals to foreign professionals for its foreigner-friendly policies, salaries, public education, and its polices for starting a business.


Expats speak highly of this eastern city in Jiangsu province because of its cozy living and work environment and its competitive salaries.


This southeastern coastal city's cozy environment, culture, inclusiveness, and public education give it a high ranking.


This city's inclusiveness and good urban planning make it stand out from other candidates and expats also like its comfortable environment for living.