
​Grand shopping carnival to last from spring to summer | Updated: April 25, 2021

Taicang, Jiangsu province is ready to make concerted efforts with Shanghai to hold the Double Five Shopping Festival, which is expected to run from April 30 to June 30.

During last year's Double 12 Suzhou Shopping Festival, more than 3,000 shops engaged in the event, offering discounts equivalent to over 300 million yuan ($46.2 million). The local government offered 6 million yuan in subsidies to entice customers to spend.

The Double Five Shopping Festival will include six important holidays, including International Labor Day (May 1), Youth Day (May 4), Mother's Day (May 9), Children's Day (June 1), Dragon Boat Festival (June 14), and Father's Day (June 20).

During the event, Taicang will hold a number of activities to spur consumption, including an exhibition on imported commodities from Germany, as well as a tourism and culture festival.


Taicang, Jiangsu province will hold a series of activities to spur consumption during the Double Five Shopping Carnival, which will last from April 30 to June 30. [Photo/WeChat account: tcfbgw]