Catch me if you can
May 12, 2012
Nurses from Taicang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine play with marine police officers in a matchmaking event in Jiangsu province on Friday.
Taicang Kite Festival ends
May 7, 2012
2012 Taicang Kite Festival came to an end on May 6 on a sprawling meadow in Taicang’s Jincang Lake Park, which provides spacious ground for kite flyers.
Business volume of Customs Bonded Logistics Center reaches new record
May 7, 2012
The overall import and export volume reached 3.41 billion dollars, demonstrates a 60 percent of year-on-year increase, and 401 percent of period-on-period increase, hitting a new monthly record since the founding of the center.
English version of ‘Glamour Taicang’ website is up and running
April 27, 2012
English version of ‘Glamour Taicang’ website (http://jiangsu.chinadaily.com.cn/taicang/), jointly organized by the publicity department of Taicang municipal party committee and China Daily, was up and running officially on April 26.
Taicang tops for German investment
April 13, 2012
The average Chinese person would probably need a moment to find Taicang on a map, so it is hard to believe that the county is already a household name in the German business community.
County sheds farming past, looks to future
April 13, 2012
As its name suggests, Taicang, Chinese for "grand granary", is a county grounded in China's traditional agricultural past, but leaders hope it will become synonymous with the nation's future as it expands its transportation infrastructure and modern industries.
Taicang Port promotes technology zone
March 21, 2012
The Taicang Port Economic & Technological Development Zone was established on December 12, 2002 by the People’s Government of Jiangsu province after an audit that was conducted by the approval authority and administrative hierarchy for national development zones.
Unearthing hidden Nanjing treasures
March 21, 2012
The Nanjing Unearthed Gold and Jade Treasures exhibition will be on display in Taicang from February to the end of March.