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Rugao holds 17th Municipal People's Congress

Updated: 2019-01-25


The third session of the 17th Rugao Municipal People's Congress opens in Rugao city of Nantong, Jiangsu province, on Jan 22. [Photo/rugao.gov.cn]

The third session of the 17th Rugao Municipal People's Congress opened at the city's administration center on Jan 22.

Major officials from the Rugao government including Zhang Jianhua, secretary of the CPC Rugao Municipal Committee and He Yijun, mayor of Rugao city, attended the meeting.

He Yijun delivered a report on the work the government was doing during 2018.

According to the report, in 2018, Rugao's economy produced a gross regional product of 112.05 billion yuan ($16.51 billion), a year-on-year growth of 7.3 percent; the general public budget saw revenues of 7 billion yuan; the city's total R&D investment accounted for 2.66 percent of its gross regional product.

Fixed asset investment in Rugao was 40.08 billion yuan, an increase of 8.5 percent, and total volume of foreign trade was 22.96 billion yuan, a growth of 10 percent.

He also announced the government's growth targets for 2019 at the meeting.

In 2019, the city expects an increase of more than 7.5 percent in gross regional product, and general public budget revenue of 7.25 billion yuan.

It also targets a growth of more than 8 percent in fixed assets investment and plans to invest 2.68 percent of gross regional product in R&D.

Other plans, including enhancing innovation capabilities, promoting rural revitalization and improving the environment were also discussed during the meeting.


Zhang Jianhua, secretary of the CPC Rugao Municipal Committee attends the meeting on Jan 22. [Photo/rugao.gov.cn]


He Yijun, mayor of Rugao city, delivers the government work report for 2018 during the meeting, Jan 22. [Photo/rugao.gov.cn]