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Delegation from Shandong makes tours to Tongzhou

Updated: 2019-03-29

Tian Yuanjun, county mayor of Linqu from Shandong’s Weifang, called for promoting development of industrial clusters in an innovative way during his visit to Nantong on March 26.

Tian, along with a government delegation, visited Tongzhou’s Bureau of Administrative Examination and Approval, with the goal of learning more about its reforms of the government review and approval process.

Tongzhou district has made great efforts to promote the reform of streamlining administration and delegating powers.

The delegation also visited Nantong Xiongbang Casting Co Ltd and Nantong Lizhi Electronics Co Ltd, touring the products exhibition hall and manufacturing shops.

Nantong Xiongbang Casting Co Ltd is an enterprise that combines mold design, manufacturing, and aluminum alloy die-casting. The products are used as components and parts for well-known cars such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Tesla.

Xiongbang has invested in its new energy car development and launched production lines for key parts.

Nantong Lizhi Electronics Co Ltd is a factory invested by a Taiwan company, manufacturing chip resistors and chip diodes. With an investment of 200 million yuan ($29.7 million), the company’s total sales after production can reach 3 billion per year.

The delegation also visited Jianghai Zhihui Park, learning about the results that the district has made in innovation and entrepreneurship.

Ling Yixiang, head of Tongzhou district, introduced the social and economic development of the district.

“The tour of the delegation from Linqu county has laid a good foundation for the communication between the two sides, and we hope the two sides can share experiences and deepen cooperation in many sectors,” Ling said.

Tian expressed his admiration for Tongzhou’s economic and development achievements. He said that Linqu will use Tongzhou’s experience to promote economic development in the future.