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Plogging team promotes garbage sorting in Gangzha

Updated: 2019-06-05


Volunteers take part in a plogging event in a miniature street garden in Gangzha district, June 4. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]

Gaodian community in Gangzha district, Nantong city, founded a plogging team on June 4, the first of its kind in the district. 

Plogging, which became an organized activity in Sweden in 2016 and began spreading to other countries in 2018, is the act of jogging while picking up trash. It came about as a result of increasing concern over plastic pollution. 

More than 100 volunteers took part in the plogging event organized by Gaodian community in a miniature street garden in the community. Members of the community's plogging team explained garbage sorting to participants of the event. 

"It's very meaningful for me as I can improve my health and protect the environment at the same time, and I will encourage my classmates to start doing it as well," said Xu Jiajia, a student volunteer. 

The plogging team is meant to help improve the environment in Gaodian community and promote garbage sorting among locals, according to Qin Juxiang, director of the community plogging team.