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Gangzha to build demonstration zone for refuse sorting

Updated: 2019-08-06

Gangzha district in Nantong city recently held a promotions meeting for refuse sorting and it has started to build the first district-level demonstration zone for sorting in Jiangsu province, according to officials. 

The district has been piloting garbage sorting and recycling in 34 communities, 17 government departments and schools since 2016. 

So far, the participation rate of waste sorting in 34 communities has reached 80.55 percent and 520.75 tons of recyclable and hazardous waste has been recycled. 

To further improve refuse sorting, Gangzha district will speed up the roll out of the waste sorting system to another 118 local communities, 58 government departments and 47 schools. 

These communities will complete the registration of households participating in waste sorting between July and September. Rubbish sorting and recycling education will be carried out in the communities to help residents develop new routines and improve community waste sorting, from October to December. 

Officials said there has been some resistance and a number of challenges in increasing refuse sorting in Gangzha district. 

They said some property management agencies and residents refused to take part  or had negative attitudes towards the changes, according to environment and health administration of the district. 

The authorities said as a result, promotions themed on trash sorting will be carried out in more public places such as hospitals, companies and parks.


Workers sort garbage at a refuse sorting center in Gangzha district. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]


Garbage bins for different kinds of waste are installed in communities across Gangzha district. [Photo/ntgz.gov.cn]