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Rugao commemorates its support for Xinjiang

Updated: 2019-08-29

A meeting to celebrate Rugao's support for Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region was held in Urumqi, Xinjiang, on Aug 28.

Zhang Jianhua, Party chief of Rugao, attended the meeting along with a number of other Rugao officials, as well as 30 people who have supported Xinjiang.

Six decades ago, under a government initiative, 12,208 Rugao people moved to Xinjiang to support the region's development, helping to improve the natural environment there. Many later generations also moved to Xinjiang to help the region develop.

Addressing the meeting, Zhang said that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the beginning of Rugao people's support for Xinjiang. He saluted those who had made contributions to Xinjiang.

He also discussed Rugao's rapid development in recent years, and invited attendees to visit the city.

Rugao officials also listened to stories from people who had lived in Xinjiang for six decades. Commemorative medals were given to some of these people.


Zhang Jianhua (2nd from right) gives commemorative medals to people who have lived in and supported Xinjiang at a meeting on Aug 28. [Photo/cpcrugao.cn]