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Exhibition pays tribute to Nantong native entomologist

chinadaily.com.cn Updated: 2019-11-06

An exhibition meant to pay tribute to You Qiwei, a founder of entomology in China, will open on Nov 8 at the Nantong Museum in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province.

The event is organized by the city's association for science and technology, along with the culture, broadcasting, television and tourism bureau.

A total of 366 items will be on display, including You's masterpieces, papers, reading notes, letters, and books, as well as insect drawings, photos, and specimens.

You Qiwei was born in Nantong in 1899 and dedicated himself to scientific research and teaching until the end of his days. He published nearly 300 papers and 16 books throughout his 70-year lifespan.

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You Qiwen works in his laboratory. [Photo/WeChat account: NantongMuseum]

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Drawings of termite nests by You Qiwei [Photo/WeChat account: NantongMuseum]

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Painting and calligraphy works by You Qiwei [Photo/WeChat account: NantongMuseum]