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Shizong town develops high-quality agriculture through improved roads


Updated: 2020-06-19


An aerial view of Shizong town in Tongzhou district, Nantong [Photo/ntfabu.com]

Shizong town in Tongzhou district, Nantong is a pilot zone for the development of high-quality farmland, large-scale operations and a social service alliance. The town is now accelerating rural revitalization through the construction of wider and safer roads.

Wu Jianxin, Party secretary of Yujiaba village in Shizong town, said that thanks to the construction of high-quality farmland and road renovations, it is easier for villagers to farm using machines, which reduce production costs and enhance efficiency.

According to a local official, the town has invested a significant amount in rural road construction, and it is now home to 570 kilometers of roads. About 95 percent of local households are now able to drive cars directly to their homes.

Relying on the improved roads, a local agricultural-related company has spent over 4 million yuan ($564,525) to set up refrigeration warehouses covering 2,500 square meters in total. Fresh vegetables and fruits planted by local villagers are stored in the warehouses and then delivered to other regions.

Amid the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, some vegetables were not able to be sold outside the town, so local government and media helped villagers get in touch with a Shanghai supermarket. When the supermarket representatives saw the management and improved roads in the town, they decided to establish a long-term partnership.

Last year, 44 agricultural projects were established or expanded around Shizong town, costing 460 million yuan in total. To date, the town has transferred 78,800 mu of land, and 92 percent of local high-quality farmland has carried out large-scale orderly management.