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Nantong Gangzha Economic Development Zone


Updated: 2020-07-07


Aerial view of parts of Nantong Gangzha Economic Development Zone [Photo provided to Nantong Gangzha Economic Development Zone]

Nantong Gangzha Economic Development Zone is in the northwest part of Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province. It was approved by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government in 1993 to be established as a provincial economic zone.

Covering 40 square kilometers, Gangzha Economic Development Zone has direct jurisdiction over two subdistricts, Yongxing and Yianshenggang, and 21 villages (communities).

By the end of 2019, the zone had a permanent population of about 100,000.

Gangzha Economic Development Zone has been continuously leaping forward in its construction and development. With the coordinated development of its economy and society, it has become one of the 15 major parks along the Yangtze River in Jiangsu province. It was named as a 2019 Jiangsu intellectual property rights demonstration park, a 2019 leader of energy efficiency among public institutions in Jiangsu province, a Nantong civilized unit, and one of the city's municipal green ecological construction advanced collectives.

Located in China's most economically active Yangtze River Delta region, Gangzha Economic Development Zone faces the Yangtze River in the south and the Tonghu (Nantong-Shanghai) West Railway Station in the west. It takes eight minutes to reach Nantong Port from the economic zone by car, 10 minutes to reach the railway station and 15 minutes to reach the airport. Since the Nantong-Shanghai Railway opened on June 1, the zone can fully integrate into Shanghai's "one-hour metropolis circle".

The zone has adhered to the "advanced manufacturing + modern service industry" dual-wheel drive model in recent years, and intelligent manufacturing firms such as China International Marine Containers Co Ltd and Guosheng Intelligent Technology Co Ltd have developed rapidly. Taking Wanda, IKEA, Sam as the leaders, the business circle integrating business, office, travel, shopping and entertainment has become one of the hottest urban consumption spots in Nantong. The zone's infrastructure has been constantly improved, its economy has developed in both quantity and quality, the zone has changed with each passing day, and its service level has been continuously improved.