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All industrial parks in Chongchuan pass acceptance as provincial IP pilot park

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: August 27, 2020 L M S

The intellectual property (IP) pilot park of Shibei Hi-tech Park in Chongchuan district, Nantong passed the acceptance organized by the Jiangsu intellectual property office on Aug 25.

So far, all industrial parks in Chongchuan district have passed acceptance as a provincial IP pilot park.

In 2018, Shibei Hi-tech Park applied for the creation of a provincial IP pilot park. Since then, its capabilities in regional IP creation, application, protection, management and services have been greatly enhanced.

During the pilot period, Shibei Hi-tech Park has achieved notable results. Its number of invention patents per 10,000 people has reached 37.29. The park has cultivated two projects that have won national patent excellence awards and two provincial patent excellence awards. Several IP demonstration and advantageous enterprises, including Rainbow Heavy Machineries, Aolan Glass and Nanming Electronics, have emerged at the park.

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