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Tongzhou uses subsidies to encourages enterprise staff to upgrade skills


Updated: 2020-12-08

Regarding vocational training as an important support for the transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the economy, Tongzhou district in Nantong has increased incentives for highly skilled talents and laid emphasis on their introduction and cultivation in recent years.

In 2020, the district set up a special fund for the vocational skill improvement campaign. A highly skilled talent who obtains certification in a vocational skill level can get a subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan ($1,071).

According to the statistics, 36 senior technicians in Tongzhou have got the 7,000-yuan subsidy this year. As of November, a total of 6.21 million yuan had been expended on the vocational skill improvement campaign.

Tongzhou district will carry out multiple precise trainings and comprehensively implement new courses for enterprise apprentices.

In addition, the district will also boost exchanges and communication between skilled personnel through industry competitions and skill contests to guarantee its high-quality development and sufficient talent supply.