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January the busiest month for Jiangsu LNG terminal

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2021-02-25

Yangkou Port in Rudong county, Nantong in East China's Jiangsu province received 12 LNG (liquefied natural gas) ships that unloaded 945,000 tons of LNG worth $35.51 million in January, the highest monthly volume in its history, according to customs data released on Feb 24.

According to an official from Rudong Customs, affiliated to Nanjing Customs, the first month of 2021 was the busiest month since Jiangsu LNG terminal began operations in 2011.

LNG is natural gas that is super-cooled to minus 162 degrees Celsius. At that temperature, natural gas transforms from a gaseous state into a liquid. When in liquid form, natural gas takes up to 600 times less space than in its gaseous state, making it feasible and more economical for transport over long distances.

As a mainstay of clean energy supply in East China, the Jiangsu LNG terminal connects to the West-East Gas Pipeline which delivers gas to the central and eastern regions of China as well as other places. It has become a global LNG distribution center.

To further facilitate the industry's development, Rudong Customs has established a LNG import customs clearance VIP channel to ensure the smooth implementation of the first Arctic energy cooperation project.

LNG supervision procedures were also cut from 41 to 31, reducing the overall customs clearance time by 92 percent. An efficient customs clearance inspection mode was formed that uses "one set of procedures, one instruction and one team," and only requires "one inspection".