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Tongzhou achieves breakthrough in intl standard formulation


Updated: 2021-04-23


Attracted by multiple favorable conditions such as financial and policy support, enterprises in Tongzhou have been actively participating in industry standardization activities. [Photo/WeChat account: wxntfb]

The International Organization for Standardization released the list of international standards formulated or revised by Chinese enterprises in 2020. The General Requirements for the Whole Life Cycle of Pipeline Corrosion Control Engineering formulated by Nantong Shanjian Anticorrosion Science & Technology Co Ltd – based in Tongzhou district – was included in the list, which was a breakthrough in international standard publication for the district, according to the Tonzghou district market supervision administration.

In recent years, Tongzhou has vigorously guided enterprises to strengthen the awareness of standardization strategy, continuously improved the standardization work system and mechanism, established a joint meeting system for standardization work, and revised related incentive policies to promote evolution from "Made in Tongzhou" to "Created in Tongzhou" and "Tongzhou Standard".

Nantong Fuyuan New Material Technology Co Ltd has recently focused on the formulation of three standards for the application of recycled carbon fiber materials in automobile manufacturing to provide more guidance on waste recycling for the industry, accelerate the application of recycled materials, and promote energy conservation and environmental protection.

Last July, the three group standards for carbon fiber recycling and reuse led by Fuyuan were officially released, filling the domestic gap. Weng Yanan, deputy general manager of the company, said that some companies have already used the method and the recovery rate has increased by more than 55 percent.

Attracted by the multiple favorable conditions such as financial and policy support, enterprises in Tongzhou have been actively participating in industry standardization activities.

At present, 42 enterprises in the district have led or participated in the formulation of 170 national and industry standards covering high-end home textiles, automobiles and parts, and intelligent equipment.