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Rematch of innovation and entrepreneurship competition held in Nantong

en.nantong.gov.cn| Updated: October 15, 2021 L M S


The rematch of the seventh iChuang Cup innovation and entrepreneurship competition starts in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province on Oct 14. [Photo/WeChat account: ntjjkfq]

The rematch of the seventh iChuang Cup Internet Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province on Oct 14-15. The rematch was co-sponsored by the Industry and Information Technology Department of Jiangsu and the Nantong Municipal People's Government.

Established in 2015, the iChuang Cup innovation and entrepreneurship competition, hosted by the Jiangsu industry and information technology department and supported by several provincial departments, is an event of the highest level in the field of internet in the province.

The seventh competition attracted the participation of 1,155 projects from 19 provincial administrative regions throughout the country. After 37 roadshows, 200 digital economy teams stood out at the rematch.

Xie Xiaobing, executive deputy head of Chongchuan district, hoped that through the competition, Chongchuna would show its development advantages, preferential policies for talent introduction and first-class platforms for start-ups to the public, and attracted more top-flight personnel to settle in Chongchuan.

After the launch ceremony of the rematch ended, Yan Jingxiang, secretary of the Party working committee of the Chongchuan Economic Development Zone, made a presentation on the district's investment environment, describing the location advantage, industrial base, platforms and carriers in the district in detail.

Agreements on 5G infrastructure were signed between the Chongchuan district government, China Telecom and China Unicom at the event.

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