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Tongzhou sees robust foreign trade growth in first three quarters


Updated: 2021-11-29


Tongzhou district in Nantong sees robust growth in foreign trade in the first nine months of the year. [Photo/WeChat account: jstzrb]

Square Technology Group Co Ltd, located in Tongzhou district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, is the world's second largest supplier of tank containers. In the first three quarters of the current year, the company achieved 600 million yuan ($94.2 million) in exports, a year-on-year increase of 35 percent.

The export performance of Nantong Square is an example of Tongzhou's foreign trade achievements. From January to September, the district's imports and exports were valued at 25.1 billion yuan, up 37.6 percent over the same period last year. The value of exports was 22.2 billion yuan and the value of imports was 2.9 billion yuan, up 40.8 percent and 17.1 percent, respectively.

To promote the sustainable development of foreign trade, Tongzhou district has rolled out incentives and provided guidance for enterprises looking to take advantage of policies to develop new products and expand into new markets.

The district's commerce department arranged for foreign trade firms to participate in the China Import and Export Fair and the China International Import Expo, improved policies on cross-border e-commerce, and encouraged companies to launch cross-border e-commerce platforms.

Tongzhou district also made efforts to serve foreign trade enterprises and helped them solve problems related to customs clearance, export rebates, financing assurance, and legal consulting.