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Woodblock paintings on display in Chongchuan

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2021-12-01


A person takes a photo of woodblock paintings on display at the Culture and Art Center in Chongchuan. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

To commemorate the 90th anniversary of the emerging wood carving movement in China, an exhibition of woodblock paintings was recently held at the Culture and Art Center in Chongchuan district, Nantong, local media reported on Nov 30.

The exhibition was organized by the Nantong Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Zhenjiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Nantong Artists Association, and the Zhenjiang Artists Association.


A woodblock painting on display at the Culture and Art Center in Chongchuan. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

Fifty-eight woodblock paintings by 48 painters from Nantong and Zhenjiang are on display at the exhibition. These paintings showcase the prosperous development of China and the improved lives of the Chinese people.

Lu Xun, a famous Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionary whose real name is Zhou Shuren, dedicated his twilight years to promoting emerging wood carving movement in China. He introduced foreign woodblock painters to Chinese artists by giving lectures, organizing exhibitions and publishing collections of woodblock paintings.


A woodblock painting on display at the Culture and Art Center in Chongchuan. [Photo/ntfabu.com]

The simplistic style favored by Lu Xun has influenced woodblock painters in China till today.

The exhibition will last until Dec 10.