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Rugao sees rapid industrial development


Updated: 2022-01-07

Rugao, a county-level city in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province saw rapid industrial development in the past year.

In 2021, a number of industrial projects featuring science and innovation were successfully launched, and 32 new projects worth more than 1 billion yuan ($156.87 million) were signed.

In the past year, Rugao added 180 industrial enterprises above designated size and cultivated two national and eight provincial "little giant" companies. Seventeen enterprises were named as provincial or municipal demonstration intelligent workshops.

Enterprises in Rugao focus on scientific and technological innovation to seek long-term development. For example, Nantong Liwei Machinery Co Ltd has obtained 18 authorized invention patents and 46 utility model patents, breaking foreign monopolies.

The rapid industrial development of the city has been attributed to the efforts the city has made to facilitate business incubation and development of emerging industries.

For example, Changjiang Smart Innovation Park in Rugao was officially opened on Oct 29, 2021, and 10 emerging enterprises covering electronic information, robotics, and intelligent manufacturing have entered the park.

In addition, the city offers credit services requiring no collaterals, long term loans with low interest rates to ease financial pressure, and services to aid development.