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Jellyfish: Whetting your appetite


Updated: 2022-01-12

[Video/WeChat account: hafbwx]

Jellyfish has high nutritional value and Hai'an natives like cooking it into various delicious dishes.


Tossed jellyfish and shredded radish in sauce. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

Aside from tasting crispy and smooth, jellyfish itself has no taste and does not overpower the taste of other ingredients in a dish.

Tossed jellyfish and shredded radish in sauce and jellyfish head in sauce are the most popular and common jellyfish dishes.

Cut the salted jellyfish skin into shreds after rinsing it and then soak them into water to dilute the salt in the jellyfish. Put some salt into the shredded radish, leave it for a while and then mix the shredded jellyfish and radish with salt, chicken extract, and sesame oil. You can also dress the dish with some Chinese parsley.


Jellyfish head in sauce. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

The head is the essence of a jellyfish with its plump flesh and crispy flavor. The jellyfish head is usually mixed with shredded onions, Chinese parsley, spicy millet, spiced vinegar, white sugar, salt and chicken extract after being rinsed and cut into smaller pieces. Pepper oil and sesame oil are then added to the mixture.