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Thousands of fish fry released into Yangtze River


Updated: 2022-03-02

Over 10,000 fish fry were released into the Yangtze River on March 1 in Rugao, a county-level city in Nantong, Jiangsu province to replenish natural fishery resources on the first anniversary of the implementation of the Yangtze River Protection Law.


Volunteers release fish fry into the Rugao section of the Yangtze River. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]

The Yangtze River Protection Law that took effect on Mach 1, 2021 aims to improve the aquatic environment, maintain ecosystem stability and preserve biodiversity.

More and more rare and endangered species are being observed in coastal wetlands and water bodies of the Yangtze River as the environment along the Yangtze River and coastal areas of Nantong are being better protected.

Since Dec 12, 2019, more than 200 finless porpoise, a national protected animal, have been observed in the Nantong section of the Yangtze River more than 90 times.

Several finless porpoise were photographed swimming in the Yangtze River by a photographer in the Langshan National Forest Park in Nantong on Feb 28.