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Calligraphy works underway at Chinese Charity Museum

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2022-04-02


Calligraphy works are on display at the Chinese Charity Museum in Nantong. [Photo/WeChat account: wxntfb]

An exhibition of calligraphy works about the thoughts of Zhang Jian (1853-1926) recently took place at the Chinese Charity Museum in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, local media reported.

The exhibition, which features 63 calligraphy works collected from around the country, will last until May 25.


Calligraphy works are on display at the Chinese Charity Museum in Nantong. [Photo/WeChat account: wxntfb]

Hu Da, curator of the Chinese Charity Museum, noted that these exhibits will help people learn about the charitable deeds of Zhang Jian and promote his philanthropic spirit.

Inspired by his mother, Zhang, an industrial magnate and scholar in Nantong, dedicated his life to philanthropic projects.


Calligraphy works are on display at the Chinese Charity Museum in Nantong. [Photo/WeChat account: wxntfb]

When he was four years old, his hometown was hit by a severe locust plague that left many natives dead. In light of this incident, Zhang's mother took various measures to help the community, and this act of compassion quickly rubbed off on her son.


Calligraphy works are on display at the Chinese Charity Museum in Nantong. [Photo/WeChat account: wxntfb]

When Zhang grew up, he witnessed the turbulent period in China when the nation's sovereignty was compromised and people were living in poverty.

Because of these events, he set out to develop industries, establish schools, and launch a series of philanthropic projects involving culture, hydraulic engineering, and transportation to improve the well-being of his compatriots.