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Nantong craftsman has found life's purpose

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2022-06-08


Mo Jun creates a carving at his studio. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

The passion of Mo Jun, who owns a carving studio in Hai'an, Nantong, for wood carvings of his hometown is what inspired him to become a wood carver.


A carving by Mo. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

Years of learning and exploration helped Mo form his own unique artistic style, and he is particularly good at carving human figures.


A carving by Mo. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

For many craftsmen, it is not easy to make breakthroughs in traditional wood and bamboo carving, while the talented Mo has not only mastered the carving of various materials, but also developed his own unique carving techniques.


A carving by Mo. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

Mo said that from initial rough carving work to more delicate details, he has always enjoyed the entire carving process.


A carving by Mo. [Photo/WeChat account: hafbwx]

He also said he is determined to carve his ultimate masterpiece someday.
