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​Haimen helps villages increase incomes via livestreams


Updated: 2022-08-18

Haimen district in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, has in recent years promoted the transformation and upgrading of the rural economy and helped increase farmers' incomes via e-commerce livestream platforms.


A livestream is held to help local farmers sell agricultural products. [Photo/Nantong Daily]

Official data showed that a total of 326 people in Haimen district joined the livestream team to help farmers sell agricultural products, and online sales exceeded 15 million yuan ($2.2 million).

Wu Shengye, Party chief of Tingkui village in Yuelai town, helped the village sell silk quilts via livestream.

"Within an hour of the livestream, 60 silk quilts were sold, totaling 89,000 yuan in sales. This year's village revenue is expected to exceed 1.5 million yuan," said Wu.

Gu Xingbao, Party chief of Dieshiqiao, a textile market, relies on the online short-video platform Douyin to carry out livestreams to help farmers boost the sales of grapes in Linxi village. The online sales reached nearly 10,000 yuan in one livestream.

In addition, the district built an e-commerce public service center focusing on farmers' agricultural technology training and e-commerce business training to help overcome difficulties in the sale of agricultural products.