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​Highlights of Rugao Development Zone in high-quality growth over past decade


Updated: 2022-10-08

The Rugao Development Zone in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu province has seen high-quality growth in various areas over the past decade.

The zone's GDP has grown at an average of 13.81 percent annually over the past decade, reaching 21 billion yuan ($2.92 billion) in 2021.

In 2021, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was 45,725 yuan.

Over the past 10 years, a total of 170,000 square meters of urban villages and old residential areas have been renovated.

In 2013, the place was listed as a national development zone, and in 2014 it built a provincial-level ecological industrial park.

In 2017, the zone's automobile and parts industry took shape, with an annual output of nearly 30 billion yuan.

This year, the Rugao base of the world-famous vehicle company Scania started construction, stimulating the development of the automobile and parts industry.

In 2020, the zone obtained a total of $120 million in foreign capital, injecting vitality into high-quality development.

In addition, the zone also focused on rural construction. In 2021, Pingyuanchi village was designated as a "Beautiful Leisure Rural Area of China".


An aerial view of Pingyuanchi village in Rugao, Nantong, Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]