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Rugao farmer proud of his calligraphy works


Updated: 2022-10-19


Liu Jie poses for a photo with his calligraphy work. [Photo/jntimes]

Liu Jie, a 59-year-old farmer in Rugao, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, has become famous in Wuyao town for his calligraphy.

When the Spring Festival approaches, Liu's home is always crowded with locals hoping to receive Spring Festival couplets written by the farmer.

According to Liu, he has volunteered to write couplets during the festival for more than 40 years.

"I loved writing Chinese characters with an ink brush when I was a child," said the farmer, "I don't even remember how much ink and brushes I've used."

Although Liu, as a farmer, is busy with his farmland, the calligraphy enthusiast still manages to find at least one hour every day to practice calligraphy.

Liu always signs up for cultural activities to compare notes with professional calligraphers.

The farmer has developed his own unique method – using water instead of ink to write Chinese characters first, and then using ink when he's ready.

"Practicing calligraphy is a way for me to express my passion for art," said Liu.

He noted that the moment he picks up an ink brush, the bitterness of life and tiredness vanish and he becomes relaxed and happy.

Liu is heavily invested in the development of calligraphy in Rugao and usually organizes exhibitions to display works by local calligraphy enthusiasts.