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Muxing Bridge

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2022-12-02


Chinese parasol trees stand on both sides of the Muxing Bridge in Chongchuan district. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

Muxing Bridge in Chongchuan district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, was built over the Rengang River during the Republic of China (1912-1949).

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Stores are located under the Muxing Bridge. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

The Muxing Bridge was reconstructed from a wooden bridge into a reinforced concrete bridge in the 1960s and was rebuilt again in 1988.

The bridge is currently a four-lane two-way bridge with sidewalks. Both ends of the bridge have a stone tablet, one of which records the bridge's reconstructions and another at the entrance of the 20-hectare Jiangjun Park.

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Residential buildings to the east of the Muxing Bridge. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

The bridge features a variety of flowers and plants on both sides, while stores filled with a dazzling array of goodies are located under the bridge.

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Old houses are located to the west of the Muxing Bridge. [Photo/WeChat account: chongchuanonline]

The residential buildings to the east of the Muxing Bridge and the old houses to the west of the bridge reproduce Jiangnan-style landscape and recall Chongchuan district in ancient times.