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Rugao venue designated national science popularization base


Updated: 2022-12-05


A view of Jiangsu Huaxia Film Restoration Technology Co Ltd in Rugao, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/WeChat account: rugaofabu]

The Huaxia Film Exhibition Hall of Jiangsu Huaxia Film Restoration Technology Co Ltd in Rugao, Nantong, was recently recognized as a nationally science popularization base by the China Association for Science and Technology, local media reported on Dec 1.

In recent years, Huaxia Film Exhibition Hall has held a series of science popularization activities related to film culture, which has attracted the attention of many young people.

Jiangsu Huaxia Film Restoration Technology Co Ltd specializes in the digital restoration of film, cinefilm printing and production, digital restoration of audio and video archives, and construction and application of digital libraries of audio and video archives for Party building. It also boasts rich collections, advanced equipment and unique technologies in the film collection field.

The Huaxia Film Exhibition Hall has collected a whole series of film projection industrial equipment spanning the history of film, including more than 2,000 sets of Chinese and foreign film projectors, film copies, printing and restoration equipment, more than 200,000 film script documents, posters and old film collections, and over 30,000 films produced by photographic film.