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Yangkou Port boosts development of new materials industry

en.nantong.gov.cn Updated: 2022-12-13

Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone, located in Rudong county – administered by Nantong city in East China's Jiangsu province – held a conference to introduce and promote its new materials industry at Suzhou Industrial Park in the city of Suzhou on Dec 8.


Zhou Liang introduces the achievements of Yangkou Port. [Photo/WeChat account: gh_de0a28ca73ce]

At the conference, Zhou Liang, director of the administrative committee of Yangkou Port Economic Development Zone, introduced the transportation, park planning, supporting elements and business environment of Yangkou Port.

In recent years, the port has been committed to the development of three key industries: new materials, new energy and new equipment.

Its chemical park is one of four chemical industry parks in coastal Jiangsu. The development zone is also home to a high-performance fiber industrial park, a heavy equipment industrial park, a new energy industrial park, and other professional parks.

The development of Yangkou Port's new materials industry has two main lines. One focuses on strategic new material fibers – developing fiber and fiber products industries downstream of the chemical industry.

The other is focusing on the new energy industry, including the development of lithium electric materials, photovoltaic materials, photoelectric materials, and carbon-based silicon materials.

Five new materials projects signed contracts at the conference.