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Project construction in Tongzhou in full swing


Updated: 2023-02-14

Project construction in Tongzhou district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, has been in full swing for the past two months, local media reported.

For example, the construction of 16 industrial projects started on Feb 11, including seven projects that received 500 million yuan ($73.39 million) in funding.

In Wujie town, the construction of a facility backed by Kanghui New Material Co Ltd and Jiangsu Hengke New Material Co Ltd is near completion.

The project will produce 600,000 metric tons of functional polyester film and functional film and 3 billion cubic meters of lithium battery separators every year after reaching its target output.

The rapid construction of projects has been made possible by an improved business environment in Tongzhou.

Last October, a project of Kanghui New Material Co Ltd faced difficulties related to accommodation for construction workers.

Tongzhou authorities provided timely assistance and helped solve the problem.

"Thanks to help from authorities, our production lines can now begin operating in November," said Li Bo, who is in charge of the project.

According to authorities, Tongzhou this year aims to register more than 50 industrial projects and increase the number of projects worth 10 billion yuan.  


A facility funded by Kanghui New Material Co Ltd is under construction in Tongzhou district, Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province. [Photo/Nantong Daily]